Current page last modified at: 14-Jul-2017 11:08:34

Deploying ATTX Components on Docker Swarm

This guide exemplifies how to deploy the ATTX components on Docker Swarm, by setting up OpenStack volumes for data persistence and using a v3 Docker Composer YML definition file.

Table of Contents

Given that the ATTX components are containerised, we need to ensure data persistence between container restarts. In practice, ATTX components will need access to file systems in data volumes in order to write and read data.

The ATTX Docker Compose v3 YML file defines the mappings between the internal containers and file systems, and the following list states the containers that need data persistence, as well as the mappings between internal and file system data storage:

  • UnifiedViews DB (MySQL): /uv-data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql;
  • ElasticSearch 1.3.4 (with Siren plugin): /attx-data/essiren:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data;
  • Elasticsearch 5.2: /attx-data/elasticsearch5:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data;
  • Fuseki: /attx-data/fuseki:/data/fuseki;
  • GM-API: /attx-data/gm-api:/app/data.

In short, the procedure will consist in first setting up OpenStack volumes for data persistency, and secondly in deploying the ATTX components defined in v3 Docker Composer YML with Docker Swarm commands.

Pre-requisite: Docker Swarm formed on Cpouta and essential components provisioned (cf. Provisioning ATTX Components on CSC Open Stack (cPouta)).

Setting up OpenStack Volumes for Data Persistence

1. Create a persistent storage volume for UnifiedViews (e.g. 'uv-data') and attach it to the Swarm Master, as per instructions in

2. Create a persistent storage volume for ATTX components (e.g. 'attx-data') and attach it to the first Swarm worker, as per instructions in

3. Next, you should partition the new volumes, label them, create new file systems on them, and mount them. If you wish, you can follow the above-mentioned CSC instructions as they are, but for consistency with existing ATTX practices we do recommend you to tag the partitions as uv-data and attx-data and mount them in /uv-data and /attx-data respectively:

3.1 Create a label ("uv-data") for the partition that will be use to store UnifiedViews data:

sudo e2label /dev/vdc1 uv-data

Create a /uv-data mount point and mount the volume:

sudo mkdir /uv-data
sudo mount /dev/vdc1 /uv-data

And taking the "data" label and "/data" change into account in /etc/fstab:

sudo echo "LABEL=uv-data    /uv-data    ext4    defaults    0    0" >> /etc/fstab

Now you can create the directories that will be used by the UnifiedViews containers who need data persistence (unified-views-mariadb).

sudo mkdir /uv-data/mariadb

3.2. Create a label (attx-data) for the partition that will be use to store ATTX data:

sudo e2label /dev/vdc1 attx-data

Create a `/attx-data mount point and mount the volume:

sudo mkdir /attx-data
sudo mount /dev/vdc1 /attx-data

And taking the attx-data label and /attx-data change into account in `/etc/fstab:

sudo echo "LABEL=attx-data    /attx-data    ext4    defaults    0    0" >> /etc/fstab

Now you can create the directories that will be used by the ATTX containers that need data persistence (UnifiedViews DB, Fuseki, ElasticSearch 1.3.4, ElasticSearch 5.2)

sudo mkdir /attx-data/essiren
sudo mkdir /attx-data/elasticsearch5
sudo mkdir /attx-data/fuseki
sudo mkdir /attx-data/gmapi

Deploying the ATTX Components

1. With the data volumes in place (as well as the Provisioning, cf. Provisioning ATTX Components on CSC Open Stack cPouta), it's now time deploy the ATTX application stack in Docker Swarm.

Download the latest ATTX Docker Swarm YML stack (e.g. to your Swarm Master node (e.g. attx-swarm-1), to /home/cloud-user/swarm-mode-cpouta, for example.

To deploy the ATTX application stack in Docker Swarm from /home/cloud-user/swarm-mode-cpouta, run:

docker stack deploy --compose-file attx-swarm.yml attx

Verify that all services are starting up:

docker service ls

The output should be similar as follows (mind that the uv-dpus and attx-shared should run once and then exit):

cloud-user@attx-swarm-1:~/swarm-mode-cpouta$ docker service ls
ID            NAME                 MODE        REPLICAS  IMAGE
2ghu5r2ig9ii  attx_essiren         replicated  1/1       attxtest/essiren:latest
57b62rzt0dlw  attx_backend         replicated  1/1       tenforce/unified-views-backend:latest
j8bbprqi695s  attx_wfapi           replicated  1/1       attxtest/wf-api:latest
lttan3dficf0  attx_mysql           replicated  1/1       tenforce/unified-views-mariadb:feat-compact-modular
n37grvnuclbt  attx_uv-dpus         replicated  0/1       tenforce/unified-views-add-dpus:latest
nc4x8h88h84y  attx_attx-dpus       replicated  1/1       attxtest/uv-attx-dpus:latest
ozwzjngvavwn  attx_frontend        replicated  1/1       tenforce/unified-views-frontend:latest
te3o51dqwtmg  attx_shared          replicated  0/1       attxtest/uv-attx-shared:latest
v2e06blmfzan  attx_elasticsearch5  replicated  1/1       attxtest/attx-es5:latest
vmvjvz2swvp1  attx_fuseki          replicated  1/1       attxtest/attx-fuseki:latest
wyi8p9zl770c  attx_gmapi           replicated  1/1       attxtest/gm-api:latest

2. Once the ATTX services are running, you can also check whether UnifiedViews is operational. The UnifiedViews login page should be available at http://<Swarm_public_IP_address>:8080/unifiedviews and you should able to login.

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