Current page last modified at: 13-Nov-2017 09:16:58

Build Environment Setup

Table of Contents

Working with Build Environments

Each artifact (.tar.gz, .jar etc.) associated with the platform has a specific version associated (e.g. 0.1, 1.0, 1.0-SNAPSHOT etc.), and these versions are set up from either the Gradle script associated with each project or Maven specific pom.xml file. The only option at the moment to change the version of the built artifacts is to change them in their Gradle or Maven specific build files.

These artifacts (with associated version) are used to build Docker Images in the repository. If the Docker Image allows it one can set the version of the artifact as environment variables (e.g. gmAPI and rdfINDEXER):

gmapi {
    baseDir = file('docker')
    repository = "${imageBase}/gm-api:${imageGM}"
    portBindings = ['4302:4302']
    env = ["GMAPI=$gmAPI", "RDFINDEXER=$rdfINDEXER"]

These are used in the generation of the Docker Images with specific tags depending on the environment as exemplified by the snippet below:

if (!project.hasProperty("env") || project.env == "dev") {

    ext.uvProv                    = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.gmAPI                     = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.gmFrame                   = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.indexing                  = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.provenanceS               = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.replacedsPlugin           = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.describedsPlugin          = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.describeexternaldsPlugin  = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.rmlservicePlugin          = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.sirenAPIPlugin            = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.RMLService                = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"

    ext.imageBase           = "${imageRepo}:${imageRepoPort}"
    ext.imageFraming        = "${privateRepoTag}"
    ext.imageIndexing       = "${privateRepoTag}"
    ext.imageES5            = "${privateRepoTag}"
    ext.imageUVProv         = "${privateRepoTag}"
    ext.imageProvenance     = "${privateRepoTag}"
    ext.imageGM             = "${privateRepoTag}"
    ext.imageSirenAPIPlugin = "${privateRepoTag}"
    ext.imageATTXDPUs       = "${privateRepoTag}"
    ext.imageFuseki         = "${privateRepoTag}"
    ext.imageActivemq       = "${privateRepoTag}"
    ext.imageRMLService     = "${privateRepoTag}"

} else if (project.env == "release"){

    ext.uvProv                    = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.gmAPI                     = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.gmFrame                   = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.indexing                  = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.provenanceS               = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.replacedsPlugin           = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.describedsPlugin          = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.describeexternaldsPlugin  = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.rmlservicePlugin          = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.sirenAPIPlugin            = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.RMLService                = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"

    ext.imageBase           = "attxproject"
    ext.imageFraming        = "${releaseTag}"
    ext.imageIndexing       = "${releaseTag}"
    ext.imageES5            = "${releaseTag}"
    ext.imageUVProv         = "${releaseTag}"
    ext.imageProvenance     = "${releaseTag}"
    ext.imageGM             = "${releaseTag}"
    ext.imageSirenAPIPlugin = "${releaseTag}"
    ext.imageATTXDPUs       = "${releaseTag}"
    ext.imageFuseki         = "${releaseTag}"
    ext.imageActivemq       = "${releaseTag}"
    ext.imageRMLService     = "${releaseTag}"

} else if (project.env == "test"){

    ext.uvProv                    = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.gmAPI                     = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.gmFrame                   = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.indexing                  = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.provenanceS               = "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.replacedsPlugin           = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.describedsPlugin          = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.describeexternaldsPlugin  = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.rmlservicePlugin          = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.sirenAPIPlugin            = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ext.RMLService                = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"

    ext.imageBase           = "attxproject"
    ext.imageFraming        = "${testTag}"
    ext.imageIndexing       = "${testTag}"
    ext.imageES5            = "${testTag}"
    ext.imageUVProv         = "${testTag}"
    ext.imageProvenance     = "${testTag}"
    ext.imageGM             = "${testTag}"
    ext.imageSirenAPIPlugin = "${testTag}"
    ext.imageATTXDPUs       = "${testTag}"
    ext.imageFuseki         = "${testTag}"
    ext.imageActivemq       = "${testTag}"
    ext.imageRMLService     = "${testTag}"

} else {
    throw new GradleException("Build project environment option not recognised.")

When running a Jenkins pipeline one can set the env property to release to build the release version of the Docker Image e.g.:

gradle build -Penv=release -PjenkinsArtifactRepoURL=http://localhost:8080 -PregistryURL=attx-dev:5000 -PartifactRepoURL=http://archiva:8080/repository/attx-releases clean :gm-API:buildGmapiImage

Steps for Generating Release Version

Thus the steps for generating a release version are as follows:

  1. Set up version of the artifact to build - this will trigger a Jenkins pipeline which will deploy the artifact to repository (e.g. Archiva, Jenkins, Github etc.)
  2. Configure the Jenkins pipeline for building a Docker image to be the release version of that Docker Image, by specifying artifacts versions and image tags in the common.gradle from repository
  3. Publish artifacts to docker hub, using Jenkins CI.
  4. Create pull request for a repository from dev to master
  5. Follow for creating a Github release

Alternative release generation:

  1. Set up version of the artifact to build - this will trigger a Jenkins pipeline which will deploy the artifact to repository (e.g. Archiva, Jenkins, Github etc.)
  2. Create pull request for a repository from a release-branch to master
  3. (optional) Follow for creating a Github release
  4. Configure the Jenkins pipeline for building a Docker image to be the release version of that Docker Image, by specifying artifacts versions and image tags in the common.gradle from repository
  5. Publish artifacts to docker hub - via Jenkins pipelines .

Example: Creating Graph Manager Service test image for development

Artifacts are also published to Docker hub with tag dev, along side the latest tag used for the private repository

  1. Commit and push new code to a branch feature-X. Create new version for the test artifact.
  2. Create a new Jenkins pipeline using gm-api as the template
  3. Configure new pipeline. Change branch to feature-X in the checkout stage.
  4. Checkout platform-development code
  5. Modify common.gradle and set ext.gmAPI to reference the test artifact and change the ext.imageGM tag to something else (e.g. test-featureX)
  6. Build new test image:
    gradle -PregistryURL=attx-dev:5000 -PartifactRepoURL=http://attx-dev:8081 -Penv=dev :service-graphManager:buildGmapiImage
  7. Push new test image:
    gradle -PregistryURL=attx-dev:5000 -PartifactRepoURL=http://attx-dev:8081 -Penv=dev :service-graphManager:pushGmapiImage
  8. Push new release image:

    gradle -PregistryURL=attx-dev:5000 -PartifactRepoURL=http://attx-dev:8081 -Penv=release -PdockerUser=account -PdockerPass=Test1234 :service-graphManager:pushGmapiImage
  9. Push to Docker hub dev image:

    -PregistryURL=attx-dev:5000 -PartifactRepoURL=http://archiva:8080 -Penv=test -PdockerUser=account -PdockerPass=Test1234 :service-graphManager:pushGmapiImage

You might want to remove the test image when you are done with testing.


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